A new email from the amazing Dawn Barrington. Much information in this, some worrying news re more attempted suicides in the most vulnerable people seeking asylum who are being held in the APODS - Melbourne and Brisbane. Please see where you can help - we must keep up the pressure on the government. Email politicians, write letters. Send supportive messages to the detainees and/or monetary support if you can.
Independent Music Professional
Dip. Music
Mob: 0466 307 817
Hamilton Hill WA 6163
Hi Everyone
Wishing you all an amazing New Year for 2021.

Well here we are another year done and what a year it has been. Let's hope that this year we will see the change that we need to see for all the refugees offshore, onshore and in the community. I know it's wishful thinking but we have to push through the negativity and keep shining a light especially while we have the good fortune to be in a position to do so.
7 Released
We had some really great news 2 weeks before Christmas and we thought that it was the beginning of a mass release. 7 refugees, 6 of which requested to go back to PNG or Nauru were released on a Bridging Visa's. Some lawyers in Sydney managed to put their cases forward and the govt had no choice but to release them. The case was that these men had requested to go back and if the government were not going to do that then they had to be released because, it is illegal to detain someone who is not in some kind of process. They were given bridging visas $300 and 2 nights in a hotel. 
The one who was released without the court case was released because he was so sick mentally that Serco could no longer take care of him so a community member has offered him a room and is getting him the support he needs.
After that a whole heap of us formed a group on whatsapp to prepare for the possible release of many others. At least another 40 have requested to go back and their cases have been submitted to the federal court. We knew that we would need to find temporary accommodation and funds to support those released. However all was quiet and hopes were dashed again.
Mantra refugees moved to Swanston street hotel.
Another blow was when the 60 refugees at the Mantra were called for a meeting with ABF. They were told they were being moved to a better location. 100s of police showed up and a ridiculous amount of police cars and mounted police. The protesters were there too....it was a ridiculous show of power from the Vic Police. The refugees were herded onto buses and taken to the new hotel at 701 Swanston street in Melbourne. The rooms are smaller, the windows are sealed and tinted, except for one....see photo attached. Many can't see outside because there is a brick wall in front of their window. There is a top floor with a community room and a small swimming pool but it's small consolation when they are still stuck in prison. (Pics attached of the daily protesters at the new location)
Ismail suicide attempt
The saddest news was when Ismail who is waiting to go to Canada tried to jump off the roof of the new hotel. The guards grabbed his legs just in time. Ismail is 6.4 young somali man. He helped us so much when we were in Port Moresby, he's the guy at the beginning of our documentary. I have known him for 3 years now and during that time he managed to get permission to go to Port Moresby to work for a few years before he got too sick. We raised the money to send him to Canada but covid has held that up. He is really struggling being confined and guards everywhere make him very anxious. He was the young boy who's mother would put a small piece of paper in his pocket when he went to school each day with his address on so that they would know where to send the body if he was killed. His father was killed by the AlShabab when he was 20 years old. Then he was kidnapped and tortured for 2 weeks before he fled and ended up on Manus. After his suicide attempt last week he was taken to the Melbourne Immigration Transfer Accommodation into a high watch cell. It's a room with a bed, shower and toilet and cameras in each corner. Ismail is a person who said he would never take his life but for the past 8 mths he has been really struggling and he recently told me that he was very fearful for his friend who he thought was losing his mind. He was fearful the same would happen to him and he had become scared of himself because he know longer knew if he had control of his own actions.
When I tell you these stories I am very conscious that every one of these men has a similar story and this is why we have to take more action to get them out of there....please do one thing today to mark the beginning of the change we want to see for 2021...even if it means sharing this story to others or your local members.
Thank you

Thank you again to the amazing donors who have consistently made sure that there are always enough funds to support the men offshore for their phone credit. I never have to worry about them now because I always know there will be enough to keep them topped up. Also thank you to Mid North Coast refugee group for your generous xmas donation and to Ballina Region for Refugees for your ongoing support. I have attached a screenshot of all the purchases for last month. There has been a mixture of things to support them with and I know that there will be more need when they are released into the community until they find work. (I have hidden their names because many of them are very embarrassed about receiving things.)
I know that the ASRC is going to give them all $1000 when they are released and 100s of us have offered a room to support someone.
If you would like to donate here is the bank account details.
Refugee Fundraiser
Dawn Barrington
BSB 062 692
Acct: 3322 7603
Here are some of the protesters in Melbourne, please join them if you can or tell your friends. https://www.facebook.com/ events/147172496962712/
Please join this page to see what action is taking place https://www.facebook. com/search/top?q=refugees% 20in%20australia%2C%20png%2C% 20nauru%20need%20action%20now
'Music Talks' Events
I am going to be doing more music talks events starting asap. I have been contacting community groups and churches. I already have a few bookings but if you know of anyone in Perth who you think would be interested in hosting an event please let me know. I have attached a bio that I have put together especially for it. The purpose of the event is to raise awareness and it is totally voluntary so not costs involved.
Thank you again everyone. Let's keep up the pressure and I do hope more are released very soon.
All the best