
Christmas Cards to send to our politicians

Resources on this page are for your use. Please feel free to copy, print or share.
Printable postcards –
Thanks to the Aireys Inlet RAR Letter Writing Team, Southern Highlands RAR, and other RAR members for these Postcards
Most of the postcards can be printed as A4 (both sides) – then cut, to make 4 Postcards (A6 size)
Three Types of Christmas Cards which can be printed as a Card, Postcard or images shared on Social Media.
Print and send to Senators in your state – see names of Senators for your state here
as the politicans are on break for a few months. 

Refugee family in urgent need of our help!
Rent assistance

 A single dad from Iraq who is seeking asylum is moving into the Redlands. He has two children in Years 4 and 6.

Through no fault of his own, he has been unsuccessful finding employment and has been supported so far by the community, namely ASRA, Muslim Charitable foundation and St Paul's School, Woodridge.

The family has obtained subsidised rental accommodation in the Redlands.

At the September meeting R4R committed to helping the family meet their rent for six months, while they establish themselves here.

Would you be able to assist the family?

We have committed to paying $50 a week for the first 6 months towards the rent.

We need to raise $1300 to meet our promise to the family.

                 Thank you for your generosity!

You can deposit your donation, big or small, directly into the R4R account.

The bank details are as follows

Account Name  - Trinity Uniting Church Wellington Point
Account # - 191853216
BSB - 014-010

Specifically mention R4R, so that the donation goes to us.

Please also email Olga ( if you make a donation so that she is aware of the donor and the amount.

'Accompanying People Seeking Asylum' is a video initiative of the Archdiocese of Brisbane's Catholic Justice and Peace Commission.  

Image credits: Dicastery for Integral Human Development's Migrant and Refugee Section resources page

Statement on the 6th Anniversary of Australia’s Mandatory and Indefinite Offshore Detention Policy
19 July 2019
This weekend marks the sixth anniversary of former Prime Minister Kevin Rudd’s announcement that no person seeking asylum by boat would ever be resettled in Australia.
Every single person arriving after that date was to be subjected to indefinite detention on Manus Island, PNG, or in the Republic of Nauru, under ‘processing’ arrangements between the Australian Government and those Pacific states.
Six years on, roughly 800 refugees and people seeking asylum still remain trapped on Manus Island and Nauru.
International agencies have been appalled by the conditions under which they live and the effects on their health, spirits and self-respect. Pope Francis with whom the bishops of Australia discussed the refugee crisis at their recent Ad Limina visit in Rome is also deeply concerned. The human costs on the detainees are mounting by the day. Already 12 young men have died over these past six years and many more have attempted self-harm out of utter despair.
As a bishop and a former boat person, I deplore the detention of our brothers and sisters on Nauru and Manus Island. While recognising the effort of the government to find a durable solution, I say with many fellow Australians that enough is enough. The harsh treatment of this relatively small number of people – most of whom have been proven genuine refugees- over the past six years is more than a shame, a disgrace, or something that we can say ‘not in our name’ to.
We call on our government and political leaders to act in accordance with our honourable tradition and put an end to a deplorable situation. It is time to find an alternate and conscionable solution. It is time to bring them here or to New Zealand, which has offered a helping hand. Those refugees accepted for entry to the US could then migrate when their vetting processes are complete. The other refugees should then be able get on with their lives here in safety. Those who are not refugees can be held here in secure detention until they are returned home.
It is time for us to reclaim Australia as a responsible world citizen, a wealthy and resourceful nation capable to rise to new challenges as it did throughout history –the kind of Australia that refugees like myself are living testament to. It is time to re-enshrine the best of our traditions with policies that reflect our solidarity, human decency and care for the most vulnerable.
Advance Australia Fair!
Most Reverend Vincent Long Van Nguyen OFM Conv
Bishop of Parramatta
Chair, Bishops Commission for Social Justice: Service and Mission, Australian Catholic Bishops Conference

Federal election has been called for 18 May

The questions to put to your local candidates follow:

Do you support Australia working with other countries in the Asia/Pacific region to provide funds and solutions for assessment and safe settlement of people seeking asylum? 
Do you think the government is justified in depriving young adults in immigration detention of tertiary education and work rights?
It would be much more cost effective to have people in community detention in Australia with work rights. Would you support this as a better option?
Do you support family re-unification?
Knowing it is NOT illegal to seek asylum in Australia, will your party continue to use the term ‘illegal’?  If so, why?
Do you support an end to offshore detention of people seeking refuge and asylum?  If not, why?
Will you introduce permanent protection visas (PPVs) for those refugees in Australia who currently have temporary protection visas (TPVs)?  If not why not?
What is your (party’s) position regarding increasing numbers of destitute asylum, seekers being referred to country towns and regional centres?” 
What are your views of rural resettlement?

We did it.
Yesterday, Prime Minister Scott Morrison announced the final four refugee children detained on Nauru would leave the island and be resettled in the US, ending 5 years of cruelty and inhumane treatment for the hundreds of children. This is huge.
The Kids Off Nauru campaign has been one of the most coordinated and biggest group efforts we've been part of. Doctors, teachers, politicians, and so many others, including you, joined us to send a message to our leaders that enough is enough.
While this is cause for celebration, our work is far from over. This is a huge win for those children and their families, however, there are still nearly a thousand people stuck on Nauru and Papua New Guinea, and we need to act.
The Kids Off Nauru campaign has shown us what is possible when we work together. We can achieve amazing things. In the past few months, the way our country talks and thinks about offshore detention has changed dramatically, and we need to make sure that this shift in public sentiment is translated into real, substantial change for those experiencing the brunt of our cruel policies.
The Urgent Medical Treatment Bill was introduced by independent MP Dr Kerryn Phelps, and almost passed the parliament in late 2018. It had the support of the ALP, Greens, Centre Alliance and almost all the independents in Parliament. The government teamed up with Pauline Hanson and Cory Bernardi to play dirty politics to block it then, and today have tried yet again to prevent it from going through.
They announced they would introduce an independent medical review panel, which in reality will see little difference to the current process, which has seen 12 people die in offshore detention in the past 5 years. The current proposal would allow politicians and bureaucrats to continue overriding doctors' order about treatment in offshore detention
We and others have been quietly pleading to the Minister to transfer a number of seriously unwell refugees to Australia for medical attention. In most cases, these pleas have been ignored. That's why we need the ALP, Greens, Centre Alliance and the independents in Parliament to reject the government's cynical attempt to thwart the Urgent Medical Treatment Bill.
You are getting this email because your local MP is one of the people we need to make sure stands strong on Dr Kerryn Phelps' bill when Parliament resumes next week. We need to show them that the public backs them.
We are at a critical juncture in our country's history. We have seen an amazing movement of people from a cross-section of society come together and stand in firm opposition to the cruelty of our offshore detention regime. We can't let that momentum die.
The time for waiting is over, its time to act.

Yours in hope,
Kelly, Sahar, Laura & Samuel for the Refugee Council team

Refugee Council of Australia

P.S - We are calling MPs of the ALP, Greens, Centre Alliance and independents. If you live in a seat that is represented by an MP who is not a target of our campaign, consider forwarding this to a friend or family who do!


As we all know, the Senate passed the Bill to make it easier for people held offshore to received medical evacuation and treatment and allow Australian doctors to provide care to sick refugees.
The next challenge is to get the Bill passed in the House of Representatives when parliament resumes on 12 February.

We suggest you email the politicians below to encourage them to support the Bill and make it law.
Bill Shorten, Leader of the Opposition (02) 6277 4022
Tanya Plibersek (02) 6277 4404
Shayne Neumann (02) 6277 4755

(02) 6277 4029 (02) 6277 4978
Coalition MPs (and any others? ) (02) 6277 4233 (02) 6277 4345

Remember to also copy your local MP - find details here

It's hard to believe that when we embarked on the seemingly impossible task of getting all refugee children off Nauru by Universal Children's Day - that we'd be sitting here today with only 17 kids left on Nauru. When we began this joint campaign on August 20 there were 119 children trapped there.

But this is 17 kids too many, and we need your help with one final push to reach an ambitious goal of getting 200,000 people to sign on to the Kids Off Nauru petition before we deliver it to politicians next week. Yesterday was the deadline we set for the Federal government, and there are still kids on Nauru.

That's why we are bringing together the petitions of a range of different organisations and groups - and we are almost at our goal!

Can you share our petition so we can reach 200,000 signatures by Tuesday 27 November?

We have seen public opinion shift dramatically on the detention of children on Nauru, and of the cruel regime of offshore processing full stop. The issue was front and centre in the Wentworth by-election where we worked with other local groups to show politicians that people care.

I want to take this moment to say well done - we have achieved great things - but it's not over. Next Tuesday 27 November we are traveling to Canberra to deliver a petition and gather on the lawns of Parliament House to say 'enough is enough'.

Help us reach our ambitious goal by sending our petition to at least 5 friends using the buttons above.

In determination,
Kelly, for the Refugee Council team

An Ordinary Girl

By Anna Duong

Dear Compassionate Aussie,

I, too, am an Aussie. But I was once a boat people refugee fleeing from North Vietnam Communism. 

And this is why I am reaching out to you. I feel very deeply for the children in detention and I fear that time is limited for some of them. 

For years, I have sat back in despair and wondered what I can do. At the end 2017, with the help of my 2 daughters as co-illustrators, I published my autobiography in a soft cover coffee table book format with a children's version captioning each illustration. With this first edition, I aim to raise $4000 for Asylum Seeker Resource Centre. 

My book is titled An Ordinary Girl, it is a book about how I became a boat person refugee and my journey to becoming an Aussie myself. In it are themes of hope, strength, focus, gratitude and the importance of education. Our children will have a sense of how blessed they are to live the Aussie life once they read An Ordinary Girl. The illustrations were done with my 2 daughters and I. The front cover was done when Nya was 3 and Haylen was 7. Nya drew the moon with a silver texta and Haylen was 7 when she drew the boat with colour pencil.  

We have only 30 more copies to get to the $4000. The public are able to donate $30 to have a copy sent to them. Every dollar goes to the ASRC after printing and postage ($8.10) and printing ($7.07). I now even use recycled cardboard to protect the books in transit to save money.

Would you consider sharing this message with to help me reach $4000 for ASRC to save the children of Nauru?

I am asking you to do this because time is running out for these children and I am anxious for their survival.

Please consider donating $30 on For members in the Murwillumbah to Tweed area, I can meet you at the shops to deliver to save postage. Please contact me to arrange.

I am just an average mum who is listening to my conscience. I know there are many of us out there who are parents and would do anything for our kids.

I can't imagine what it is like on Nauru, to watch my own children languish without a will to live. What would you do for yours?

Please consider donating, An Ordinary Girl will make a great present this Christmas.

To donate and have a book sent/delivered to you:

Eternally grateful to you,

Anna Duong

Refugee Association of Logan Appeal
In light of developments of the past few months where both asylum Seeker b
families and individuals are being subjected to double rejection by the
Immigration Department and are told to return to their country of origin, RAL is
pleased to launch an  " Emergency Relief Fund " to provide some relief to this group of people.

Their centrelink support has been withdrawn and in their desperation they have 
lodged legal appeals. In the process many of them have lost their jobs 
and are left destitute unable to pay for their food and rent. With your support it
is our intention to help these desperate people to keep a roof over their heads.
We are making this urgent appeal to everyone to make a contribution towards 
this worthy course.
Your donation however small will go a long way to elevate the plight of these unfortunate people.

Please donate to RAL's Emergency Relief Fund at:
Bendigo Bank Springwood 
BSB:          633 - 000     
AC No:      154 096 721

All donations will be acknowledged and are tax deductible, or you can send a cheque to RAL P.O. Box 2745 Logan City DC Qld. 4114.
Please also forward this appeal to others you know.