Friday 22 May 2020

Dig Deep during Covid-19

Dear Friends


Redlands for Refugees  (R4R) give thanks for some very generous donations over the past month. This week we have been able to donate $1000 each to the Romero Centre and the Indooroopilly Unting Church Refugee and Asylum Seeker support group. We have also been able at this time to maintain our support for two refugee families in our area. This follows our request last month where we sought donations to help continue our work in supporting refugees and asylum seekers.  As you know R4R is unable in the current Covid-19 restrictions to fundraise or collect any money at meetings.   

Unfortunately this situation will continue for some time, so we are once again asking for your support in an ongoing capacity. R4R understands the  financial constraints that all people are experiencing and this is only a suggestion for those who may be able to help in this small way.

Many of us may have a regular café-coffee or ‘lunch with friends’ routine.  Now we cannot do that so easily.  This is an opportunity to use those saved dollars for this campaign ‘Dig Deep during Covid-19’– a suggestion from  Rural Australians for Refugees (RAR) of which R4R is a member group.

 It is a great idea and a wonderful way to maintain an ongoing amount in R4R’s bank account.  Your donation, however small, whatever you can afford, will help a family in distress.  We are suggesting a regular donation, for the next six months – June to December. 

People on temporary visas and bridging visas – many of whom were working and supporting themselves – do not get JobSeeker or JobKeeper income from the Government. There will also be a financial fall-out from COVID when the restrictions are lifted.

While big efforts are being made to get the Government to change their policy, thousands of vulnerable people need money for food, rent and living costs NOW.  They are calling on groups like ours, and on community service organizations for help, at a level that these organizations have not seen before.  As you know R4R have been calling for help for the Romero Centre as their needs have increased markedly. There has been a wonderful response to this from grocery deliveries, store vouchers and direct donations.

 R4R would love to be able to continue supporting refugees and asylum seekers in an ongoing capacity.

If you can assist, please email R4R to receive further details.

Thanking you for your past and ongoing support for refugees and those seeking asylum.


Yours faithfully

Lyn Moore

R4R Convenor