Tuesday, 19 March 2019


Redlands Performing Arts Centre

KEEP THE DATE: Redlands for Refugees (R4R)  are working with Rural Australians for Refugees (RAR) and the Human Rights Law Centre of Australia to hold a Human Rights Forum here in the Redlands.

For discussion: What are human rights, the importance of the 'Medevac Bill', Aboriginal Rights and the right of religious freedom as well as refugee rights.

The forum will be facilitated by:
Emma Phillips - A senior lawyer - Law Reform and Systems Advocacy – Queensland Advocacy Inc.
Panellists will include:

1. Pastor David Busch - Founding member of R4R and Presbytery Minister – South Moreton Uniting Church.  

2.Arif Hussein - a lawyer at the Human Rights Law Centre working to uphold the rights of refugees and people seeking asylum.

3. Sam Watson - In his artistic work Sam explores traditional indigenous cultural themes and tensions. He asserts his own identity as a traditional owner and custodian of the lands across south east Queensland and he celebrates his close affinity and bond with the spiritual strengths of country.

It will be a very informative afternoon and will include a Q & A session seeking questions from the audience.

This is to be held at the Redlands Performing Arts Centre in Cleveland on:

DATE: Saturday April 27

TIME: 2 - 4.30 pm

Afternoon tea will be served at 4 pm.

Free parking at this venue

Put this date in your diary now! What are Human Rights? More information to come.

                                         Click here and register for your free tickets!