Wednesday, 16 March 2022

Palm Sunday Day Rally - 10 April, King George Square, Brisbane


* Free the refugees from the camps and prison-hotels

* Action for Afghanistan - 20,000 intake now

* Permanent protection not poverty

* Peace not militarism - stop the wars that create refugees

Speakers include:

* The Very Rev'd Dr Petter Catt - Dean of St John's Anglican Cathedral and Chair of the Australian Churches Refugee Taskforce

* Cameron Leckie - Retired Australian Army Officer and member of Independent and Peaceful Australian Network

* John Shipton - Father of Julian Assange


Saturday, 5 March 2022


R4R March Meeting

Our next meeting for 2022 will be held on 

Thursday, 10 March 2022

Trinity Uniting Church

47-49 Marlborough Road

Wellington Point

Meeting will commence at 7.00 pm

We gather from 6.30pm for a cuppa and a chat prior to the commencement of the meeting.

Despite the lifting of restrictions feel free to wear a mask.

Please bring your own cup!

Hand sanitising and social distancing is still required.

Everyone is welcome.