Monday, 22 June 2020

Online Rally

Online Rally

The Asylum Seeker Resource Centre's Online Rally will take place on Thursday 2nd July at 6pm to:

- hear directly from people inside these detention facilities and who have experienced offshore detention,

- show our support, and

- learn what WE can do to help secure their freedom!

Speakers include:

- Mostafa 'Moz' Azimitabar - Refugee activist and musician currently locked up in Mantra Hotel Melbourne

- Betelhem Tibebu Zeleke - Refugee activist and survivor of Nauru detention centre

- Farhad Rahmati - Refugee activist and civil engineer was locked up in Kangaroo Point in Brisbane, then transferred to Brisbane detention centre.

We are privileged that these speakers are willing to speak out and share their stories with us.

At the online rally you will be able to take action then and there, as well as learning about further things you can do to help secure their freedom.

RSVP here to stand in solidarity with refugees and people seeking asylum.

Wednesday, 10 June 2020

Hello Everyone,

I am sharing this statement sent by RAR (Rural Australians for Refugees). This is so important and never more necessary than now.

Tuesday, 9 June 2020

R4R Meeting

R4R June Meeting 
will be held on 

Saturday, 13 May

Meeting will commence at 2.00 pm


Details are provided in the email sent to you. Check your junk mail if you can't see the R4R email.

Everyone is welcome.


Please submit agenda items to

Monday, 1 June 2020

An update from Rural Australians for Refugees (RAR)


So much you can do to help. 

29 May 2020
Hello to all RAR Members and Supporters – Welcome to this RAR Update.

Detention and deprivation
At the centre of our story remain the refugees in detention and those on bridging and other temporary visas.
Hundreds of people remain in indefinite detention and are at heightened risk of infection from COVID-19. At the hotels where the refugees are held, their protest is persistent, while outside protests continue in Preston (see details on the RAC-Vic website, and at Kangaroo Point (see details at RAC Qld Facebook page:
You can email: the Prime Minister (, Minister for Health, ( and State Premiers. Find contact details here: and see a draft email here:

Stop the phone ban Bill
Angela Fredericks, winner of RAR’s May (and inaugural) Unsung Hero Award, has called for all supporters to take action against the proposed “Prohibiting Items in Immigration Detention Centres” legislation. This would give Australian Border Force (ABF) officers and contractors like Serco the power to confiscate the phones of asylum seekers and refugees being held in detention.
National Justice Project lawyers took Dutton to court for taking phones from asylum seekers and refugees in 2017 and won. Now he is trying to overturn that.
Mobile phones provide asylum seekers and refugees with a lifeline to the outside world, to loved ones and to advocates – their mental health, the protection of their human rights, and their families depend on their phones. They can also hold Dutton accountable by recording instances of mistreatment and cruelty.
Angela has told us how “without Priya’s mobile phone, Australians would never have seen how Peter Dutton had her dragged onto an unmarked plane in front of her little girls.”
Please sign and share this petition:
Then before the due date of 11 June you can make a submission to the Prohibited items Senate Committee. Email or go to the website to upload your letter or submission.
The law before parliament is called the Migration Amendment (Prohibited Items in Immigration Detention Facilities) Bill 2020
If passed it would allow the Minister and SERCO and ABF staff to classify any Mobile Phone as a "prohibited thing" and then confiscate it. The bill also gives legal status to the search powers, including body cavity searches and frequent unannounced room searches, that are already used, including every time a detained person enters or leaves detention.
If you are making a submission, important points you can include are:
  • Allowing this legislation will enable further abuses and loss of scrutiny through the removal of mobile phones and unnecessary and invasive body searching.
  • Australia is the only democracy which indefinitely detains people because they are seeking asylum – this draconian policy volates the UN Refugee Convention and international law.
  • The removal of mobile phones is not a requirement for law enforcement – this is clearly an attempt to reduce access to advocates and people in civil society who are concerned about human rights.
  • Access to mobile phones is a lifeline for people detained for long periods, separated from family members and anxious about their visa status. Mental health is already a key issue for many people in detention – the removal of phones is likely to increase suicides and self-harm.
  • This government is already exceeding reasonable measures by holding people in indefinite detention – we must not allow for the further removal of basic rights and freedoms.
See an SBS report about the issue:

Refugees Week 14-20 June
Send us details of your events (to, virtual and otherwise, that we can put this on our website, including on your group’s webpage. You can also publicise events though ARAN (email details to, using the Subject Line: Refugee Week event information for ARAN website, by June 5 if possible) and the Refugee Council (register your event here:
Here are some online events during Refugee Week:
Sunday 14 June, at 7pm – hear Zac T Quinn, author of SANLUNDIA speak about his work with asylum seekers on Manus Island. Other speakers to be announced. Zoom Meeting or livestreamed to Facebook:
Tuesday 16 June, 7.30—9.30pm - Amnesty online event: In Conversation with Ali. Discussing how people with refugee backgrounds are making our neighbourhoods that much brighter, especially during the past few months! RSVP here
Saturday 20 June, 1-2pm - World Refugee Day online forum hosted by ARAN. Speakers include Craig Foster and Najeeba Wazefadost (National Refugee Advisory and Advocacy Group (NRAAG). Additional speakers and access details to be announced on the ARAN website by 10 June.
Social media campaign
The Speaking Up for Refugees social media campaign concludes in Refugee Week. This campaign has been initiated by Refugee Advocacy Network.
How to participate:
  • 'Like’ or follow the Speaking Up for Refugees Facebook page, and share posts – ideally with a short comment.
Creating your own posts:
  • please use at least one of the following hashtags (in combination with a topic specific hashtag if you wish) #justice4refugees #NobodyLeftBehind #GameOver
  • post material relevant to the remaining weekly themes:
    • 1 June – 7 June End detention, release refugees from detention centres and hotels - fair processing -permanent protection
    • 8 June – 14 June Safe resettlement for those held in PNG and on Nauru
    • 15 June World Refugee Week – promote RCOA activities, other activities including the ARAN online forum on World Refugee Day on June 20 from 1-2pm.
  • use your own material to develop posts, or visit the Social Media Resource page on the ARAN website: at for information and online actions you can include in your posts.
  • you can also use any of the meme templates on Social Media Resource page – but you will need to edit in Canva (download free version from
If you have material which you intend to post, and would like to share this with others please email to Dave and ask him to add to the Social Media Resource page – please also copy Marie into these emails on

Human Rights Subcommittee
This RAR team with members in NSW, Vic, Qld and SA are planning a campaign to raise awareness and build knowledge in the need for an Australian Charter of Rights. The first stage of our campaign is to raise awareness by asking all members and their friends to post the following message on Facebook and Twitter:
Australia needs an Australian Charter of Rights to benefit the whole community, including people who have asked for our protection.  An Australian Charter of Rights must enshrine equality, fairness and safety for all.   #AustralianCharterofRights.
Our next message for Social Media will involve information on action to be taken to support a Charter of Rights.
The June subcommittee meeting will be developing a short discussion paper for groups on the following human rights priorities:
  • Freedom........for refugees and all Australians
  • Equality........for refugees and Australians
  • Citizenship rights for children born in Australia.
If you want to get in involved in the subcommittee just email

Jonathan Strauss
Rural Australians for Refugees Australia
Phone: 0437 790 306