Wednesday, 20 February 2019

10-year old needs our help!

A 10-year-old boy who has been on Nauru has recently been enrolled at Cannon Hill State School. While the family is living in the community, the father is in detention at Pinkenba. Ms Chris Ling who is principal at the school has put out a request to R4R for assistance. Obviously, the young boy has very high support needs and Ms Ling has released an aide from all other duties to be his constant support.  While the school been able to access $3,000 towards this, it will require a further $3000 just to get through this term.  The principal is confident that given the right supports, they can assist this boy to begin to deal with the trauma he has experienced. Ms Ling is asking if Redlands for Refugees has any capacity to respond to this need.  

Can you assist?

Bank Details for R4R
 BSB - 014010
Account Number - 191853216
Account Name - Trinity Uniting Church Wellington Point - R4R

It is important to email our treasurer, Olga Harris, at, detailing the amount and date of the deposit so that the donation is placed in our account.

Monday, 11 February 2019

Teardrops and Candlesticks

This is a powerful poem by Councillor Jonathan Sri, a Greens councillor in the Brisbane City Council. Please beware that Councillor Sri uses some strong language that may offend some viewers.

R4R does not endorse any particular political party but rather supports policies that seek justice for refugees and people seeking asylum. R4R thanks Councillor Sri for permission to share his poem.